Sanden Hodnekvam

Image of the company

Text about us

Sanden+Hodnekvam Architects is an architecture studio founded by John Sanden and Ingvild Hodnekvam in 2014. The studio is based in Oslo and Nesodden, Norway, and is engaged in a varied range of projects all over the country.

Their work balances between simplicity in form and richness in tectonics and atmospheres. They seek simple solutions with honesty of materials and construction in mind, always striving for the rational, aesthetic and sustainable solution.

The studio has won several architectural competitions and their work is widely published. They have been included in Wallpaper`s list of the worlds most promising emerging practices, and their work have been nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award. Sanden+Hodnekvam is one of six selected studios for the norwegian national scenic route program 2022-2029. Both partners have also been teaching and are frequently guest critics at NTNU and AHO.

The studio is authorized by The National Directorate for Building Quality (DIBK) and is a member of The National Federation for Norwegian Architects (MNAL).

Har du et prosjekt du ønsker å diskutere, eller lurer på hva vi kan hjelpe deg med? Ta kontakt for en uforpliktende prat!

If you have a new project you want to discuss, or wonder what we can do for you? Get in touch.

Nedre Vollgate 1. 0158 Oslo

John Sanden (+47) 950 63 038
Ingvild Hodnekvam (+47) 938 57 846
Håkon Mathias Jansen (+47) 986 23 139
Andreas Rindal (+47) 954 35 603
Cheng Yu Hsieh (+47) 404 04 427
instagram / facebook

General requests
For general requests please contact us at:


If you want to publish any of our projects please contact us at:


For job applications please send application w portefolio(max5mb) at:

Awards, competitions and exhibitions
Haslum krematorium. Open competition. Honorable Mention. 2025
Arkitektenes hus. Open competition. Honorable Mention. 2024
Murverksprisen 2023. Honorable Mention. price. Helios. Helicopeterbase, Bergen. Invited competition. 2023 price. Norwegians scenic route, Jæren. Invited competition. 2023
European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies Van Der Rohe Award Nominee 2022
Rast. Norwegian Scenic Route 30 years. Exhibition. Oslo. 2023
ArchDaily Building of the year Nominee 2022. House on pillars. price Studenthousing SIT/NTNU Gjøvik. Invited competition. 2021 price Europan 16, 2021.
Betongtavlen 2021 - Norwegian Concrete Award. Finalist.
Betongelementprisen 2021. Nominee/finalist.
ArchDaily Building of the year Nominee 2021. House in red concrete.
Wallpaper* Architects Directory 2020 / 20 best emerging architects in the world
Design China 2020. 20 emerging architects. Exhibition, Beijing. 2020
ArchDaily Building of the year Nominee 2020. Rones cabin. price. Visiting center and museum, Bryggen, Bergen. Invited competition. 2019 price. Bergen Fish market. Bergen. Invited competition. 2019 price. Masterplan, Bergen Harbour. Invited competition. 2019 price. Childrens library installation, Nesodden. Invited competition 2019
Ankerhagen Housing, Hamar. Open international competition. 4th place/Innkjøp. 2019 price Nesoddtangen Brygge. Open competition. 2019.
History of Practice. Exhibition. Oslo Architecture Association. 2019
Unbuilt houses. Exhibition. Oslo Architecture Triennale. 2018
Oslo Future Living. Exhibition and conference. 2018
Unbuilt houses. Exhibition. Oslo Open House. 2018
Herfra - Norway´s design future. Exhibition at DogA. Oslo. 2016
DOGA Young Talent Award Honorable Mention / Unge Talenter, Hedrende omtale. 2015
Nye Kvaliteter - ny norsk arkitektur. Exhibition at Galleri Rom, Oslo. 2015 place Gystadmarka masterplan. Open International competition. 2012
Statsbygg Student Award/ Statsbyggs studentpris for fremragende arkitektur. 2012
3rd place, 120 Hours. International Student Competition. 2011

Our work has been published all over the world in several publications, books and websites such as Wallpaper*, D2 magazine, Morgenbladet, Arkitektur N, Norske Arkitektkonkurranser, Archdaily, Divisare Journal, Afasia, Nytt Rom, Dezeen, Bo Bedre, Monocle, Domus, Bauwelt, Mur&Betong, RIBA Journal, Baunetz, Arkitektnytt, Subtilitas, etc.

Sanden+Hodnekvam is authorized by The National Directorate for Building Quality (DIBK) and is a member of The National Federation for Norwegian Architects (MNAL).

26.04.24 - Guest lecture. NTNU. Trondheim
11.04.24 - Gothenburg Architecture Association. Röhsska museet. Gothenburg
19.10.23 - Murverksprisen 2023. Oslo
31.08.22 - Our studio. Norwegian Association of Architects, NAL. Oslo
28.04.22 - 5 hus. Østfold Arkitektforening. Litteraturhuset, Fredrikstad.
21.03.22 - Built works. Oslo School Of Architecture, AHO
18.03.22 - 5 hus. Telemark Arkitektforening
13.12.21 - Betongtavlen 2021. Munch Museum, Oslo.
18.10.21 - Four houses. Oslo School Of Architecture, AHO
29.04.21 - Works. Hedmark & Oppland Association of Architects.
04.03.21 - Norwegian Association of Architects, NAL.
07.05.20 - Works. NTNU
31.03.20 - Two projects in concrete. Oslo School Of Architecture, AHO
10.04.20 - Projects in wood. Oslo School Of Architecture, AHO
04.03.20 - How we run our studio, Norwegian Association of Architects, NAL.
26.04.19 - Ideal Type. Oslo School Of Architecture, AHO
02.08.18 - AA Visiting School Lyngør
03.05.18 - NTNU. 6 houses.
07.02.18 - Works. Stavanger Architecture Association, SAF
12.02.18 - Oslo Architecture Association, OAF
21.04.16 - NTNU. Starting a practice
20.10.15 - Galleri ROM. Nye kvaliteter / New qualities
05.02.15 - NTNU. Tectonic and typology
22.01.15 - Norwegian Architecture Association, NAL. Wildwood.
13.10.14 - NTNU. Three houses.

Selected clients
Nasjonale Turistveier / Norwegian Scenic Routes
Norges Teknisk og Naturvitenskapelige Universitet / NTNU
Trondheim Kommune
NHP Eiendom
Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim / SIT
Skien Kommune
Bergen Kommune
Kristiansund Kommune
Nesodden Kommune
Museene i Sør-Trøndelag
Vitensenteret Trondheim
Ålesund Kommune
Nissedal Kommune
Nesodden Bibliotek

Private clients not mentioned.

Har du et prosjekt du ønsker å diskutere, eller lurer på hva vi kan hjelpe deg med? Ta kontakt for en uforpliktende prat!

If you have a new project you want to discuss, or wonder what we can do for you? Get in touch.